Redeem Clinic
Redeem Clinic believe in an ‘open door’ policy when it comes to their treatment prices in relation to their scalp micropigmentation cost / SMP cost / Tricopigmentation cost.
We know many of our clients have apprehension with regards to attending FREE consultations in relation to their hair loss requirements, thinking that these are high pressure sales environments rather than the no obligation services. With this in mind Redeem clinic feel it is very important that our clients have a good understanding of the Scalp micropigmentation cost / Tricopigmentation costs we offer . In doing so the client knows that when attending a FREE consultation with ourselves that there will be need for any form of pressure sales on our part as the client is pre-prepared in relation to costs and simply needs to satisfy themselves that the treatment is right for them as well confirm the professionality and standards offered by Redeem Clinic. All the services offered by Redeem Clinic are truly life changing treatments and consequently it is paramount to us that all our clients are given time and space to consider the options available, this is why you will NEVER be placed in a sales environment within Redeem Clinic, yet simply receive honest trustworthy advise. Your wellbeing and our reputation rely on it.
It is important for any client to appreciate the true benefits of our Tricopigmentation and Scalp micropigmentation over and above those of standard hair tattoo services / Hair transplant services rather than simply basing a judgment on cost and consequently we encourage all our clients to take time to read and appreciate the full content of our website pages in relation to these services prior to simply coming to our prices page first.
The above said however and in an effort to maintain our ethos of ‘Excellence in everything we do at a price the client can afford’ we have once again put together pricing packages that meet this mantra as well as being the most competitive prices in the market place today.
If you feel you can’t identify your needs from the information provided below then simply send us an email with as many photos of your scalp as possible and we can return and advise which pricing sector best suites your requirement.
To calculate the various prices we take into consideration the number of areas to be treated: frontal, parietal, vertex, occipital and scars. We use the Norwood and Ludwig recognised medical scales to determine the level of treatment required for each client.
Male Scalp Pigmentalia costs:-
Norwood 1 is a normal, healthy head of hair and therefore requires no treatment and consequently costs do not apply
Norwood 2. Redeem Clinic Trico (shaved head) treatment costs £595
Norwood 2. Redeem Clinic Densification Trico (within hairline) treatment costs £495
Norwood 2. Redeem Clinic SMP (Shaved head) treatment costs £825
Norwood 2. Redeem Clinic SMP (with hairline) treatment costs £800
Norwood 3. Redeem Clinic Trico (shaved head) treatment costs £750
Norwood 3. Redeem Clinic Densification Trico (within hairline) treatment costs £650
Norwood 3. Redeem Clinic SMP (Shaved head) treatment costs £1050
Norwood 3. Redeem Clinic Densification SMP (within hairline) treatment costs £1000
Norwood 4. Redeem Clinic Trico (shaved head) treatment costs £850
Norwood 4. Redeem Clinic Densification Trico (within hairline) treatment costs £725
Norwood 4. Redeem Clinic SMP (Shaved head) treatment costs £1200
Norwood 4. Redeem Clinic Densification SMP (within hairline) treatment costs £1100
Norwood 5. Redeem Clinic Trico (shaved head) treatment costs £985
Norwood 5. Redeem Clinic Densification Trico (within hairline) treatment costs £850
Norwood 5. Redeem Clinic SMP (Shaved head) treatment costs £1600
Norwood 5. Redeem Clinic Densification SMP (within hairline) treatment costs £1500
Norwood 6. Redeem Clinic Trico (shaved head) treatment costs £1250
Norwood 6. Redeem Clinic Densification Trico (within hairline) treatment costs £1050
Norwood 6. Redeem Clinic SMP (Shaved head) treatment costs £1850
Norwood 6. Redeem Clinic Densification SMP (within hairline) treatment costs £1750
Norwood 7. Redeem Clinic Trico (shaved head) treatment costs £1395
Norwood 7. Redeem Clinic Densification Trico (within hairline) N/A
Norwood 7. Redeem Clinic SMP (Shaved head) treatment costs £2500
Norwood 7. Redeem Clinic Densification SMP (within hairline) N/A
Norwood 8. Redeem Clinic Trico (shaved head) treatment costs £1750
Norwood 8. Redeem Clinic SMP (Shaved head) Treatment cost £3000
Total Alopecia or Alopecia Univeralisa. Redeem clinic Trico costs £1750
Total Alopecia or Alopecia Univeralisa. Redeem clinic SMP costs £3000
Alopecia Areata:- As these ailments can vary greatly and consequently tend to be different in each and every client it is difficult to give a fixed price yet needless to say cost can vary between Norwood 1 and Norwood 7, Trico costs £595-£1395
Alopecia Areata:- As these ailments can vary greatly and consequently tend to be different in each and every client it is difficult to give a fixed price yet needless to say cost can vary between Norwood 1 and Norwood 7, SMP costs £650-£1500
All prices stated are inclusive of Vat whereas many of our competitor Scalp Micropigmentation cost or Trico costs will exclude Vat
Maintenance and top-up costs of Male Trico / Trico Densification :-
6 Months:- Should a top-up be requested (although unlikely to be needed) at a six month stage then the cost of treatment shall be £249
12 Months:- It is recommended that at the 12 month stage then there is a likelihood for a top-up to be required. Costs are based on 50% of the current initial treatment charge i.e Norwood 4 12 month topup costs £425
24 Months:-It is recommended that at the 24 month stage then there is a likelihood for a further top-up to be required. At this stage and going forward every year costs are based on 25% of the current initial treatment charge i.e Norwood 4, 24 month topup costs £212
All prices stated are inclusive of Vat
Please note that top-up prices may alter subject to how the pigments take to a particular scalp and how the clients natural hair follicles change over time.
Female Scalp Densification costs:-
Ludwig 1-1. Redeem Clinic Densification Trico (within hairline) treatment cost £495
Ludwig1-1. Redeem Clinic Densification SMP (with hairline) treatment cost £595
Ludwig 1- 2. Redeem Clinic Densification Trico (within hairline) treatment cost £595
Ludwig 1-2. Redeem Clinic Densification SMP (within hairline) treatment cost £695
Ludwig 1-3. Redeem Clinic Densification Trico (within hairline) treatment cost £695
Ludwig 1-3. Redeem Clinic Densification SMP (within hairline) treatment cost £850
Ludwig 1-3. Redeem Clinic Densification Trico (within hairline) treatment cost £795
Ludwig 1-3. Redeem Clinic Densification SMP (within hairline) treatment cost £995
All prices stated are inclusive of Vat whereas many of our competitor Scalp Micropigmentation cost or Trico costs will exclude Vat
Maintenance and top-up costs of Female Trico (only) Densification :-
6 Months:- Should a top-up be requested (although unlikely to be needed) at a six month stage then the cost of treatment shall be £249
12 Months:- It is recommended that at the 12 month stage then there is a likelihood for a top-up to be required. Costs are based on 50% of the current initial treatment charge i.e Ludwig 1-2, 12 month topup costs £249
24 Months:- It is recommended that at the 24 month stage then there is a likelihood for a further top-up to be required. At this stage and going forward every year costs are based on 40% of the current initial treatment charge i.e Ludwig 1-2, 24 month topup costs £198
All prices stated are inclusive of Vat whereas many of our competitor Scalp Micropigmentation cost or Trico costs will exclude Vat
Please note that top-up prices may alter subject to how the pigments take to a particular scalp and how the clients natural hair follicles change over time.
Scar Trico and Scalp micropigmentation cost (Male/Female):-
Scar cover:-Scars can be a little more difficult to give a fixed price on, due to the varying nature of each scar i.e is it a keloid scar?, how long is the scar?, how old is the scar? Etc. Scar cover can be tricky as often the tissue reacts differently to the normal skin (the same occurs with scalp micropigmentation) and as such we always recommend a patch test to the area 30 days prior to the main treatment.
Patch test costs for scar densification is £50
Should the patch test be successful, as in most cases, then the average cost of scar densification ranges from Tricopigmentation £295 – £395 and Scalp Micropigmentation cost £395-£500
Many clients quickly decide that due to the top up costs required in relation to Trico treatments then it may be wiser to simply go down the SMP route, however lifetime costs between the two treatments can be very similar and as such we always encourage a client to consider the treatment that best suites them over and above which is cheaper. If you’re concerned how our Tricopigmentation prices compare with scalp micropigmentation cost , then you may want to visit our blog page that has articles on how favourable our life long Trico treatments actually can be. Please also be aware that All prices stated are inclusive of Vat.
NB Costs stated are subject to change at any time and Redeem Clinic retains the sole right to decrease or increase fee’s as and when they feel fit. Fixed fee’s quoted to the client prior to treatment and within the treatment agreement shall not be subject to change.
*Results may vary from person to person